

可用性: 海湾公园,哈蒂斯堡和在线选项


The Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN) degree prepares students for a career as 注册护士. 护理课程包括基于平衡的课程 文科和理科. 课程在高级护理课程中达到高潮 在过去两年的学习中. 

The USM 专业护理实践学院 (SPNP) offers two nursing program options and one second-degree nursing pathway for students to earn a BSN between two 九游会国际(哈蒂斯堡和海湾公园)和网上. 一旦被允许进入SPNP BSN and RN-BSN program options along with the Accelerated BSN (ABSN) pathway begin 每年秋季和春季学期. 在哈蒂斯堡提供BSN计划选项 九游会国际. RN-BSN课程完全在线提供,而ABSN则是 在海湾公园校区提供. 

Each nursing program option or pathway has a separate application including prerequisite 需求. SPNP有一个高BSN项目的早期录取程序 遇见的高年级学生 具体的标准 并选择九游会国际(USM)作为新生. 学生 will be admitted into the BSN program when he or she completes the required nursing 先决条件课程以及保持提前入学资格. 学生 申请本课程 在他们高中的最后一年. 被BSN项目录取的学生 通过这种方式被称为院长奖学金. 

For further information regarding admission to the SPNP, contact Student Services at 601.266.5454.



One of the 需求 for applying to the BSN program or the ABSN pathway is completion 入学考试.  这个考试是测定学生学术能力的工具 在BSN计划中有效地执行.  目前以评核方式管理 Technologies Institute (ATI), the 入学测试 is comprised of 170 questions that evaluate the basic reading, math, writing, and science skills of students seeking 进入护理课程,获得注册护士执照. 

The cost for applicants to take the 护理 入学测试 is $100 at the time of 网上报名每次考试管理.  这个退还的/同一个厂家 费用可通过信用卡或借记卡支付.  申请人只可参加一次考试 每次入场时间.  入学考试成绩不能从USM学院转移 护理 & 健康的职业.  



A.     注册 申请入学考试日期并缴纳注册费.   

    • For the current February 1, 2024 BSN application deadline, on-site 入学测试ing is currently closed; testing dates/times for the September 1, 2024 BSN application 截止日期将在2024年春季学期晚些时候提供. .
    • 学生 with ODA (Office of Disability Accommodations) accommodations are required 通知特里·惠廷顿(特里.M.Whittington@tb35018.net) 之前 注册入学考试.

B.     注册人将立即收到 两封邮件收据 of their 1) registration and 2) payment; 护理学院 & 健康的职业 会发送一个 稍后的确认邮件 有了进一步的指示 考试前两天.

C.     所有参加考试的人都应该在参加考试的当天到达考场 她在考试前30分钟注册了.  另外后期 是不允许的 一旦测试开始.  所有考试都在九游国际棋牌进行 护理学院 & 健康专业,阿斯伯里大厅,2楼,220室.  Participants must provide a state-issued photo ID to verify identity prior to the 测试开始.  



ATI提供了许多 预备 packages, tutorials, and texts for students to better prepare and excel on the 护理 入学测试.  更多信息请访问他们的网站 atitesting.com/teas-prep.

请求的信息  应用BSN / ABSN / RN-BSN 



Once accepted into the 专业护理实践学院 (SPNP), students are 参加涉及课堂作业和/或临床实践的护理课程. 在 the 课程s, concepts involving ethics, leadership, practice laws, and research as well as the SPNP Values: Caring, Professionalism, Integrity, Excellence, and Diversity 被教导. 

学生 apply what they learn in the classroom during simulation experiences utilizing high-fidelity mannequins in a state-of-the-art simulation lab on 九游会国际 and by providing 在医疗机构对病人的护理. 毕业后,学生们有能力 to demonstrate competence in clinical skills and provide nursing care to patient populations 在各种医疗保健和社区设置的整个生命周期中.


  • Traditional BSN Program: Successful completion of this nursing program leads to the Bachelor of Science in 护理 degree and permits the student to make application 参加全国注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN).
  • RN-BSN Program: Successful completion of this nursing program enables 注册护士s (注册护士)持有护理学副学士学位,以取得护理学学士学位. 学生 参加本课程的学员也可以获得Sigma护士经理证书.
  • ABSN Pathway: Successful completion of this second-degree nursing pathway enables the student with a previous baccalaureate degree to earn a BSN and permits the student to make application to take the National Council Licensure Examination for RN (NCLEX-RN) 许可.


The 专业护理实践学院 has determined that completion of the Bachelor of Science in 护理 program options and pathway prepare a student to take 全国注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN®). 通过 在所有50个州和美国,执照都需要全国考试.S. 保护国. It is an individual’s responsibility to understand, evaluate, and comply with all 需求 relating to national certification exams for the state in which he or she intends to practice as educational 需求 may vary widely including, but not limited to, the number of clinical hours required by the state as well as specific 课程work. 护理 boards may also require additional information, including, but not limited 证明公民身份和/或工作权利的文件(i).e. 社会保障 号码)以及犯罪背景调查. 

有关护理专业牌照委员会的资料,请参阅 国家护理委员会全国委员会 联系页面.


在RN-BSN项目的学生,已经有必要的基础知识 excel in the nursing field and earning the BSN degree from The University of Southern Mississippi, students can enhance their k现在ledge and skillset to advance in the healthcare 行业. 在线RN- bsn学位是为工作的RN设计的! 

Being completely online, the RN-BSN program can be completed in as little as two semesters and students are able to work toward a BSN degree while staying in their current place 的就业. 所有的护理和预备课程都可以在网上找到. 这个项目 不需要任何化学课程.

The accredited online RN-BSN degree program is designed to expand student k现在ledge 在病理生理学,健康评估等学科 & 推广,病人安全, 医疗保健系统,以及更多的东西,让学生继续他们的 护理职业生涯. 学生可以选择在秋季或春季学期开始这个课程. 

Several scholarship opportunities are available for our RN-BSN degree seeking students. Our Online Student Scholarship gives first time, fully online students an opportunity 第一学期的500美元. 开始使用我们的在线学生奖学金 or to view our list of available scholarships for which you may qualify, visit our 学生奖学金页面 现在! 


寻找有关RN-BSN计划的更多信息? 为了了解录取的情况 流程或您需要的先决条件课程,请发送电子邮件至 spnp-advisingFREEMississippi.



The RN-BSN program is for registered nurses who have graduated from an associate degree 护理课程,并注册从事护理工作 紧凑的状态 不受限制的注册护士执照. 所以在开始之前,确保你满足了这些要求 需求!

In addition to filing an application, the following minimum 需求 must be met 考虑进入RN-BSN项目

1) Applicants must have graduated from an accredited associate degree nursing program. 

2) Applicants must have a current unrestricted Mississippi RN license or current unrestricted 从紧凑状态获得多状态RN许可证. 

3) Applicants must have at least a “C” in each nursing 课程 in the ADN program with 护理学平均成绩不低于2分.0对4.0分制,每个前提条件都是C或更高 课程. 

4) Applicants may only retake/repeat one (1) required science 课程 one time (for 得到“D”或“F”的成绩). 

5) Applicants may only retake/repeat one (1) associate degree nursing (ADN) 课程 一次(获得了“D”或“F”的成绩). 

6) Applicants must have successfully completed all prerequisite 课程s 之前 beginning 课程s in the RN-BSN program (At the time of application, two of the three natural 科学课程必须完成).  

为了了解录取的情况 process or which prerequisite 课程s you need, please 联络我们: spnp-advisingFREEMississippi.


看到 大学录取政策

看到 护理入学程序理学学士学位 (RN-BSN)


度计划 可用性











  • 注册护士

