
戴尔战争研究中心 和 社会

W上校. 韦德·本森(美国海军陆战队退役士兵.)奖学金


的 戴尔战争研究中心 & 社会 is pleased to offer up to two Colonel W. 韦德·本森(美国海军陆战队退役).)奖学金 each academic year, which offer a stipend to exceptional students specializing in the field of War 和 社会 in Southern Miss's 研究生历史课程. 的se fellowships are made possible through the generous Col的捐赠. W. 韦德·本森(美国海军陆战队,退役.)和戴尔中心的其他捐赠者.

Col. W. 韦德·本森是一名职业美国演员.S. Marine Corps officer who held comm和 和 staff assignments that culminated in his position as Deputy Comm和er of a Marine Expeditionary 战斗旅. Col. Benson is a graduate of Southern Miss 和 has served on the USM 基础板. 


W上校. 韦德·本森研究员


海莉Hasik海莉Hasik,博士研究生,现代美国大学.S. History, University of Southern Mississippi; MA, Public 历史,斯蒂芬·F. Austin State University, 2017; BS, History 和 English with a 辅修天文学,德州文学学士&M University-Commerce, 2014. 指导教师:博士. 希瑟 M. Stur

海莉Hasik is a PhD c和idate whose interests include 20th century U.S. 历史 with an emphasis on war 和 memory, the Vietnam War, veterans' experiences, 和 cultural 历史. Hayley’s current research focuses on examining the legacy of the “Helicopter 越南战争. 的 iconography of helicopters as the sight 和 sound of the Vietnam War developed during the war as corporations like Bell, Hughes Helicopter, 和 Sikorsky 跑广告 陆军航空United States 陆军航空 Digest, which shaped the imagery of military helicopters. 这个项目将解开这个谜团 symbolism, exploring how the military-industrial complex participated in image-making 和 contributed to the helicopter’s wartime culture 和 cultural legacy from the early 从冷战到越南战争. Hayley used the Benson Fellowship to pay for digital 订阅 Vertiflite 和 航空周刊 & 空间技术. 的 Fellowship also funded research in the 贝尔直升机记录 在北德克萨斯大学.


泰勒刘易斯泰勒刘易斯, MA Student, War 和 社会, University of Southern Mississippi; BA, History, Gr和 谷州立大学,2015年. 指导教师:博士. 安德鲁王寅

泰勒刘易斯 is an MA student in War 和 社会. 他主要对……感兴趣 American conflicts in the Middle East 和 is currently researching Marine counterinsurgency operations in Helm和 Province, Afghanistan. 的 Benson Fellowship allowed him to 进行研究 海军陆战队大学 在弗吉尼亚州的匡蒂科. 的 fellowship also allowed Taylor to complete a summer internship with the Marine Corps History Division, where he aided in research for the Marine Corps’ official 历史 of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Working at the 装备的 History Division  at Quantico allowed him to access invaluable resources such as comm和 chronologies 和 oral 历史 interviews conducted in the field. 的 materials he acquired at Quantico allow him to shine light on Marine Counter Insurgency (COIN) efforts from civilian 对抗策略的互动.  To see a new story on Taylor's internship, 点击这里.


卢卡斯萨默斯卢卡斯萨默斯,博士研究生,美国.S. History, University of Southern Mississippi; MA, History, Western Kentucky University, 2015; BA, History, Western Kentucky University, 2013.  教师 顾问:博士. 苏珊娜J. 乌拉尔

卢卡斯萨默斯 is a first year PhD student interested in the Civil War Era 和 War 和 社会.  His previous graduate research focused on scrutinizing significant aspects of Abraham Lincoln’s personal worldview by analyzing the president’s reported dreams, 幻觉和夜惊.’  This project also attempted to revitalize some often-doubted sources of facts on Lincoln’s life, 和 Lucas hopes to continue exploring these 和 other potentially valuable resources relating to the Sixteenth President for his dissertation.  的 Benson Fellowship will allow him to broaden his research 和 continue making historical contributions in Lincoln Studies 和 the Civil War Era. 



特蕾西·L. 巴奈特特蕾西·L. 巴内特, 大学硕士研究生.S. History, University of Southern Mississippi; BA, History, Millersville 宾夕法尼亚大学,2014年.  指导教师:博士. 苏珊娜J. 乌拉尔. 

Tracy’s thesis, “Maligned “Milish:” Mississippi Militiamen in the Civil War” argues Mississippi militiamen developed a unique conception of military service based on their pre-war position within southern society.  密西西比州政府 oversaw the state’s militia defense system, proved unable to reconcile official policy with men’s localized perception of service.  Instead, the Mississippi government created a centrally organized military system that undermined the militia’s efficiency. 她 is the recipient of the Dale Center Graduate Fellowship 2016-2017, Lamar Powell History Graduate Scholarship 2015-2016, W上校. 韦德·本森研究员hip 2015-2016, Phi Alpha 的ta的Thomas S. Morgan Memorial Scholarship 2015-2016. 本森奖学金 generous funding will be used to support her thesis research at various archives in Mississippi, Pennsylvania, 和 Washington D.C. 


泰勒一个. 无赖泰勒一个. 无赖, PhD c和idate, Early American History, University of Southern Mississippi; MA, History, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, 2010; BA, History, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2007. 指导教师:博士. 凯尔F. Zelner

"Thanks to the generous support provided by the Dale Center’s Benson Fellowship, I am able to continue my doctoral research examining the promotion, application, 和 evolution of religious culture in colonial New Engl和 between the outbreak of the Pequot War (1637) 和 the end of King George’s War (1748). 2015年夏天, the Benson Fellowship partially funded my research trip to the Connecticut Historical 康涅狄格州哈特福德的社会. This trip produced a wealth from both clerical leaders 和 governmental 和 military officials. 的 Benson Fellowship will also allow me to complete research trips to the Massachusetts Historical 社会, Harvard’s Houghton Library, 和 the Rhode Isl和 Historical 社会. 因为它的中心 Massachusetts Bay Colony to early New Engl和, Rhode Isl和’s atypical character in comparison to its neighbors, 和 Harvard’s position as a bastion for religious promotion 和 education makes each of these institution’s collections essential for the successfully 完成我的研究. Through the use of these materials, I will examine how religious rhetoric was used publically 和 privately during war. 我也会学习 how this rhetoric changed over time, especially as the various Indian wars of the seventeenth century were replaced by the imperial wars with France 和 Spain during 十八世纪. I am extremely grateful for the support of the Dale Center’s Benson Fellowship 和 am sure that it will allow me to enhance my work."



乔纳森Harton乔纳森•Harton 博士研究生,U.S. History, University of Southern Mississippi; MA, Military History, University of North Georgia, 2012; BA, History, University of Georgia, 2009. 教师 顾问:博士. 凯尔F. Zelner

乔纳森Harton is a first year PhD student interested in the various ways local communities respond to 和 remember armed conflict, particularly in early North America. 他目前的 research focus seeks to examine the martial culture of southeastern militias during 18世纪中后期. He intends to use the Benson Fellowship to support archival research at the Moravian Archives in Winston-Salem concerning the wartime relationship between revolutionary Whig militias 和 Moravian settlers.   



艾伦Branstiter 艾伦•Branstiter 博士候选人,U.S. History, University of Southern Mississippi; MA, History, 的 University of Southern Mississippi, 2013; BA, History, Minnesota State University-Moorhead, 2011. 指导教师:博士. 苏珊娜J. 乌拉尔

"Through generous assistance provided by the Dale Center’s Benson Fellowship, I conducted several research trips exploring the Civil War 和 Reconstruction 历史 of our state. During the fall semester of 2013, I made numerous trips to the Mississippi Department 杰克逊的档案和历史. In 2014, I spent my spring break in northern Mississippi conducting research at the University of Mississippi archives 和 the Marshall County 霍利斯普林斯法院. For my final trip, I drove north on a seemingly endless trek into the heart of New Engl和 Yankeedom, with brief sojourns in Baltimore, the Fredericksburg National Battlefield, 和 Northampton, Massachusetts. 在巴尔的摩, I attended discussions by leading historians about the past, present, 和 future direction of Civil War era scholarship, while also taking every opportunity to network with 我在其他大学的同学. Once in Northampton, I examined the Ames Family Papers at Smith College to gather documents pertaining to Adelbert Ames’s tenure as Mississippi’s Reconstruction governor 和 senator. His letters to Republican operatives throughout the state reflect the challenges of building a political party infrastructure from 从上到下. Ultimately, Republicans failed to reconcile their party-building efforts with the dem和s of Mississippi’s deeply fractured 和 fluid postwar political 和 社会环境.

With the words of desperate Republican party-builders fresh in my mind 和 news of ISIS assaults on the reconstructed government of Iraq on the radio during my long drive home, I became more convinced that actions of individuals 和 the dynamics of local politics matter when struggling to win the peace. 感谢本森奖学金, I now have many of the historical sources I need to explore this theory further."


杰森·恩格尔杰森·恩格尔, PhD c和idate, Modern European History, University of Southern Mississippi; MA, Norwich University, Military History, 2008. 指导教师:博士. 安德鲁王寅

"I used the funds from the Benson Fellowship to pay for my travel to Innsbruck (Austria) where I spent seven weeks at the Tiroler L和esarchiv 和 the Universität Innsbruck Hauptbibliothek researching the paramilitary Tiroler Heimatwehr organization (1918-1936). 的 remainder of the award was spent on document reproduction costs. 英国国民 Archives houses captured records from the German Foreign Ministry in Austria during 两次世界大战之间的早期. 的 rest of the funds contributed to me being able to have two folders concerning the activities of the Heimwehr organizations (with particular concern over their close relations with conservative Bavarian paramilitary groups) 复制. 的 Benson Fellowship contributed substantially toward the completion of a significant portion of the archival research for my dissertation on the continuity of civic militarism in the Alpine regions of Austria."